
Live2Work Copenhagen meeting / January 2017

We want to understand projects we participate in. It is the only possible way of extending its purpose where it will be useful.

This time our journey lead us to Copenhagen for a workshop of a project Live2Work, whose main output is a positive change in lives of young people, whose basic or substandard education limits them while finding a job or keeping it.

 The purpose of the project is to develop the right implements and methods, which will help for example non profit-making organizations’ employees who educate those social groups. Sadly, it is not hard to find young people, especially foreigners, who are limited by lack of education and general overview. This often leads to an unemployment or inability to comply requirements on employees and because of this living situation those people literally survive by the day, without any prospect and possibility of getting a perspective job opportunity.

Methods of education, which are the main objective of this project, are going to be a great service for national employment services, social educationalists or lectors in this highly serious and sensitive area in all of the partnership countries which are taking part in this project.

We are aware of how much not only  undertaking a retraining course but also gaining a self-esteem represents a huge life-important change which will help to re-integrate into a society. Developing SOFT SKILS and acquiring basic knowledge of a law and economical system will help those young people on their way to a brighter future.


One of the practice we tried during the workshop was to divide into pairs- leader and the “blind” one- and by guiding help the other person to get safely out of the chair maze. 

Values a skills, whose acquirement is the main goal of Live2Work project.

A nun talking about traditions. Everybody listens carefully.

Pelicans everywhere, even in the church.

Strike a pose in a church.

Maximal concetration. 

Switching the roles, now Angelica guides Michal.

PELICAN at a meeting.

Mette is a coach and specialist for a couselling leading to a succesful managing of mind-changing which leads to a reaching of career goals.

Positive psychology specialist Mr. Seligman in a front of a graphic visualization of Donald Trump’s speech.


Angelika introducing a plan how to measure the quality of project outcomes. Cecilie, Mete, Joanne and Dagmar discussing. 

Project Live2Work has its own FaceBook page, and also a WEBSITE!