During the first half of the year, preliminary versions of the first two videos - Tutorial and Self-knowledge - have been produced and released for comments by partners. Videos about world knowledge and transitional skills were filmed in October.
Nowadays, the video about Self-knowledge has been approved for upload to YouTube, while the other ones are going through testing and evaluation process at partner institutions, together with piloting period with the target group.
The preparation of IO5 Audio-visual learning scenarios depended on the time of finishing other outputs, mainly IO1 and IO2. During the first half of the year, the scenarios of the first two videos – Tutorial and Self-knowledge have been prepared. Video 1 has been presented at the project meeting in Lisbon, video 2 was finished shortly afterwards.
During the summer months, work on scenarios for videos 3 and 4 continued and in August, both scenarios were approved by partners. Videos 3 and 4 – World knowledge and Transitional skills - were filmed in October. Now, all four videos are going through testing and evaluation process at partner institutions, together with piloting period with the target group. We expect to collect all feedback and decide on future steps in November 2017. The last video – Promotional – will be prepared and filmed in 2018.
A handbook of conceptual framework for the project and the problem of (re)construction of life projects of people in situations of professional vulnerability. The first section presents our project in terms of its objectives, distinctive characteristics, and synthesis of each of the different stages and outputs. The second part focuses on the social relevance of this project, through the presentation of demographics, educational, and employability contexts in the different European countries, with particular emphasis on the situation of migrants and refugees.
The Manual also includes a reflection on the importance of including the theme of social justice with this target audience, along with the knowledge and skills of professionals working in the life project construction field. The third part analyzes the different theoretical contributions (eg, from the career normative models, career design, construction and management models, career systemic models, and career culturally adequate models) that were taken as basis for the development of the theoretical rational that supports the toolbox. Finally, the fourth part of the manual presents the four modules that derive from the theoretical rational and in relation to which the pedagogical activities were developed. Information about the pedagogical approach, organization, procedures and structure of the activities of the toolbox is also provided in this output.
We have a lot of work behind us. We have succeeded in completing the content for the IO1 Conceptual Framework and content for Toolbox within IO2. For both of these outputs, we designed a template based on the project brand manual that we use on our website. The aim of the design was to create sexy and catchy documents that will be intuitive, well structured, easy to read and understand by end-users. After the testing phase and gathering feedback from partners in cooperation with the end-users it would be possible to improve and adapt the documents for better use with the target group.

In Denmark, the teams have been working hard on completing the final contents for the toolbox. This includes pedagogical descriptions of tools, and ensuring that all the tools are user friendly, comprehensive and relevant for end users.
The course guide and course PowerPoint have also been prepared, to assist our teams in running Live2Work pilot courses. These courses will not only test the materials produced, but also the methodology recommended to running successful workshops.
Along with this, the Danish team has been busy contacting municipalities, companies and organisations involved in situations of professional vulnerability, to ensure dissemination of on-going work and results. We are preparing for the piloting workshops to be held in Denmark, and looking forward to running courses here in Copenhagen to receive feedback. During our work with development of tools, we have sought out feedback from experts and peers, active in the field of unemployed adults, and positive psychology, to ensure that we are on the right track.
The team aims to end up with a comprehensive course guide, that will assist other professionals in running Live2Work workshops with their peers and colleagues, further spreading the tools, methods and ideas for successfully working with the creation of new life projects.
After the piloting workshop in Denmark, the team is now compiling a report, to better understand the needs of the end users, and how to adapt the materials to suit these. The feedback has been extremely positive, with test persons showing great enthusiasm for the tools, as well as giving valuable professional insight, into their needs, when dealing with our target groups.
The next period will be spent perfecting the final versions and preparing the final multiplier events.