Technical Sheet

Activity IdentificationDimensionNumber of ParticipantsDuration (minutes)
20 Anchoring learning, decisions and goalsDECISION MAKING8 - 1220

The aim of the Activity

To wrap up each activity by having the participants share their learning and takeaways from the session or programme.

In doing so, it will also help the participants become aware of and reflect upon: their personal learning from each activity, select and share the importance of the workshop or session, pay attention to the other participants and close the session.

By comparing the reflections and learning of each participant to the goals agreed in “Group Contract”. It is possible to check whether the commitment made in the Group at the beginning of the session or programme, can create awareness of their personal investment in the programme as well as their investment in their group member and facilitator; creating a sense of belonging to the group.

Through the sharing of learning with other participants, this activity sets out to enhance active listening and communication skills.


Reuse the value cards from the value activity or print the value cards out.


  1. Sum up the highlights and important issues from the session or workshop and ask the participants to reflect upon and choose 3 most important learning’s (E.g.: something new that they discovered about themselves, or another person, or the group – anything related to the session) and 3 main steps of action towards a goal. (Use 5 - 10 minutes on this)
  2. Divide the participants into groups of 2 or 3 and explain the exercise.
  3. In groups of two: Person A presents the 3 most important learning’s to person B.
    Person B listens and repeats highlights of what he/she heard from person A.
    In groups of three: The same as in group of 2. The person C listens and can add his/her thoughts. Participants take turns being person A, B and C.
  4. When this is done make the participants repeat the exercise talking about their 3 main steps of action.
  5. When all participants have finished the exercise within the group ask them to share the one most important learning from the session and 1 step of action with the entire group.
  6. For closing up a workshop with more activities than, g., one dimension, bring in the Value Image cards to finalise the range of activities.
  7. Spread the Value Cards on the floor and ask the participant to select one Value Image Card that represents the ‘stage’ or ‘change’ that they are experiencing right now finalising these activities or the programme.
  8. Let the participant stand in a circle, holding the image card in front of them and have each participant present ‘why they have chosen that specific image’ and the meaning that the image cards symbolise.

Observations / Suggestions

Optional: Print handout - Goal setting and action plan. One for each participant.

The facilitator can time the activity according to the diversity and language skills of the group. E.g., A talks in 2 minutes and B repeats for 1 minute.