The didactical frame and strategies for interventions in the Live2Work toolbox are inspired by the ‘SKUB-method’ – in English PUSH, (Kirketerp; 2012). This method is according to Kirketerp a method that supports, trains, and stimulates enterprising action in other to create a learning and teaching culture that promotes the participants’ ability to act on their knowledge in a way that creates value to oneself and others. The method (model) points out seven empirically and theoretically based strategies and describes a change process from having a thought to forming a visualisation of acting on the basis of these thoughts. The “push” in this process, consists of applying seven strategies to create stimulate an enterprising action.
According to Kirketerp, when a facilitator successfully, through training and teaching the Push method’s strategies, helps others to convert thoughts into action, then enterprise can be stimulated. The most important strategy for change is according to Kirketerp, learning the master experiences.
The seven strategies in the model are: Master experiences, means to the goal, Insight and reflection, the Courage to fail, Changing of habits, Role model, and Reward for action.
Inspired by the “Push Method” as a didactical frame, the practical experience and professional knowledge and experience working with the target groups for this project, the Soft Skill development model is developed and designed to illustrate the tools and activities that are important to apply for the development of the various soft skills defined in each dimension ‘self-knowledge’, ‘world-knowledge’, ‘Transitional skills’ and ‘Decision Making’.
The soft skills model is an operational approach and dynamic model where the different activities are interrelated, mutually supplemented, and affect each other. With the aim of creating the positive and beneficial transition for the participants.
Diagram – development of soft skills model
The activities and the interventions in this toolbox, which have been developed for practitioners, are based on and inspired by, research within cognitive methods, vocational- and positive psychology[1], and empirical entrepreneurship studies and practice.
[1] Positive psychology is the study of the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions (Gable & Haidt, 2005). The aim of positive psychology is to develop the field of psychology and to supplement the existing understanding and methods with the new knowledge and methodologies.